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about the sacred technician


“I’m really grateful to have been in the hands of such an authentic and intentional practitioner”

  ~ Bless Celeste

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A Warm Welcome from Sacred Tea


As The Sacred Technician, I'm an energy healer and intuitive guide based in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica. My passion lives within empowering individuals to discover their own profound healing potential and experience spiritual growth.


My journey began over two decades ago with the discovery of my ability to channel energy and connect with the spirit realm. This connection fuels my work, allowing me to perceive deeper healing needs. Extensive training in Thai Massage, Kemetic Yoga, Breathwork, and Ayurvedic practices further enhances my sessions.


Beyond techniques, I prioritize creating a sacred space for you to reconnect with your inner healer and divine guidance. I act as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, providing a safe and supportive environment for transformation.


When I'm not working with clients, I embrace a holistic lifestyle that nourishes my spirit, body, and mind. Nature is my source of inspiration and balance, whether it's meditation, reading, exploring the ocean, or simply relaxing in my hammock.


I'm grateful for the opportunity to connect with you and walk alongside you on your path. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or simply want to chat. I'm here to support you in any way I can.


With love & gratitude,


The Sacred Tea













Relaxing in Pool


Aligning Body, Mind, Spirit & Energy


Healing as a Multifaceted Journey:

Healing is not a singular destination, but a transformative journey that unfolds on multiple levels – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic. Together we will explore this interconnected web, guiding you towards a more balanced, integrated, and ultimately, a whole version of yourself.


The Multidimensional Self:

People tend to forget, but we are multidimensional beings. We each possess a unique energetic anatomy – the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body, and the astral body. These bodies hold energy that can become stagnant or imbalanced, leading to disharmony.


My Role as Your Guide:

My intuitive abilities and connection to the spirit realm allow me to perceive imbalances within your energetic system.  Through various modalities, we can work together to bring these bodies into alignment, promoting healing on a profound level.


Exploring Healing on Different Levels


Physical Healing: The body's inherent wisdom guides its path towards physical well-being.  Through various practices we can support this process.  My sacred offerings and alternative therapies promote relaxation and reduces tension, while healthy somatic movement practices invigorate the body and enhance physical resilience.


Emotional Healing: Unexpressed emotions can accumulate, leading to disharmony.  Healing on this level involves acknowledging and processing these emotions in a safe and supportive space.  Breathwork, journaling, and therapeutic techniques are all be powerful tools for emotional release and growth.


Mental Healing: Our thoughts and beliefs shape our experiences.  Through practices like meditation and mindfulness, we can cultivate a more positive outlook and release limiting thought patterns.  This mental clarity allows us to approach challenges with greater resilience and navigate life with more ease.


Spiritual Healing: The human spirit yearns for connection to something greater than ourselves, and this is a powerful catalyst for healing.  Spiritual healing involves deepening that connection, whether it be through sacred therapies, awareness, prayer, rituals, spending time in nature, or engaging in a spiritual practice that resonates with you.  This connection provides a sense of purpose, meaning, and inner peace.


Energetic Healing: Through techniques like chakra balancing or energy clearing, we can address blockages within your energetic bodies, promoting a sense of flow and vitality.


The Interconnected Web of Healing:

Remember, these levels are interconnected. As we address one aspect, it positively impacts the others, leading to a sense of wholeness and well-being. By nurturing ourselves on all these levels, we fuel the most incredible and transformative journey towards being the  best versions of ourselves.


Everyone Has the Ability to Heal!

I strongly believe that everyone has the ability to heal themselves. I am here to serve as a guide, reminding you of your inner wisdom and supporting you on your holistic journey towards wholeness, self-discovery, alignment, and empowerment.

Whether you’ve experienced

  • Emotional wounds: Whether from childhood trauma, a difficult relationship, or chronic stress, these experiences can leave emotional imprints that manifest on various levels. You might carry burdens in your emotional body, leading to feelings of sadness, anger, or anxiety.


  • Fears of letting go: When we cling to negativity or the past, it can create energetic blockages that hinder our ability to move forward. Energy healing can help release these attachments and promote a sense of openness and possibility.


  • Physical unrest: Discomfort, tension, or fatigue can be signs of energetic stagnation.  Healing modalities can help restore balance within your physical and energetic bodies, promoting a sense of vitality and ease.


  • Feelings of disconnect: Feeling distant from yourself, your loved ones, or your life purpose can be a sign of misalignment between your spiritual and emotional bodies.  By nurturing these aspects, you can reconnect with your inner wisdom and find a renewed sense of purpose.


  • Relaxation and unplugging: This isn't just about physical rest; it's about allowing your entire energetic system to recharge. By quieting the external noise, you create space for inner peace and a deeper connection to yourself.

Our intuition is a powerful guide. Perhaps it is what led you here today, the perfect starting point for your healing journey.  Honored by the wisdom of those who came before us and the ever-present Divine guidance, I offer sacred healing retreats and individual sessions tailored to your unique needs. We'll explore what's holding you back on a physical, emotional, and energetic level, helping you reconnect with your higher self and awaken your innate power.  Let's co-create a transformative and sacred experience towards the profound healing that is already within you!

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